
Thank you 1学期!

キラキラ1st termキラキラ

And just like that, the first term for this year has ended.
We would like to thank everyone, especially the school staff, parents, and our brilliant students who were with us this semester. We hope to see you again after the break. Stay tuned as we continue our English adventure! See you!

先生方、学校スタッフ、保護者の皆様、そしてすばらしい黒岩小の子供たち、本当にありがとうございました。夏休み明けにまたお会いできることを楽しみにしています。これからも楽しい英語の学習を続けていきますので、どうぞご期待ください!夏休み明けまでSee you!